AlliedAcademics accomplishes 100+ conferences in various countries related tovarious fields. The conferences include the field of Healthcare,BiochemistryObesityNursingDentistry, HospitalManagement and many.

Austriais a landlocked country with 8.7 million residents in Central Europe. It is arepresentative democracy of the legislature. With a population of over 1.8million, Vienna is the capital of Austria and largest city. Austria has one of theworld's best healthcare systems, with international access to medical servicesexemplary. Simultaneously, the high cost rates of the last few years and theway competences are divided for different parts of the medical system representmajor challenges. The federal government, the Lands and social insuranceagencies decided to overhaul the Austrian health care system to ensure optimalframework for healthcare provision and more facilities to future generations.The transformation plan has a clear objective: patient well-being.


The Austrian Government considers RTI to be adriving force for a lasting increase in the company's performance andcompetitive potential. A major contribution to solving the social challengeswhile guaranteeing competitiveness, economic growth and employment is theresearch carried out in Austria's universities, research centres, small-andmedium-term companies and industry.

The Ministry of Science and Research (BMFW), theMinistry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (MBTIT), and the Minister ofEconomics, Family and Youth (BMWFJ), are the three Federal Ministries that areresponsible for research and technology policies in Austria. The AustrianScience Fund (FWF), the FRP and Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS) are the mainagencies that, on behalf of the ministries, are responsible for managingfinancing for basic and applied research, growth and innovation.

InternationalOrganizations in Vienna        

Vienna is an important location in the heart ofEurope, where a large number of international organizations andnon-governmental organizations can be represented. Many internationalorganizations have lived since 23 August 1979 in the impressive modern settingof the Vienna International Centre (VIC). During regular guided tours, visitorscan learn about UN work and experience the striking architecture andcosmopolitan atmosphere of the VIC at the Vienna International Centre.

Tourist Attraction:

Austria, one ofEurope's most popular holiday destinations, attracts tourists year-round withplaces to visit. Winter is almost as busy as summer in the stunning mountainregions with some of Europe's best skiing. The scenic beauty of these Alpineprovinces is drawing tourists as much as magnificent towns, such as Wien, theancient home of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and stunning Salzburg. One of the leastdeveloped countries of Europe, Austria is mainly a nation of highland andmountainous areas, with good 60% of its territory occupied by the Eastern Alps.The Danube River runs from west to east for about three hundred kilometresthrough the northern part of the country.

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