Allied Academies with an establishedrecord of successful conferences for over 2 decades, proudly flaunts its set of international conferencesin Mexico. With over 250 universities attracting over 25,000 internationalstudents for higher education, Mexico is becoming the hub for national andinternational research in all the fields of science and technology. Of these,45 are public universities, where 50% of the academic research in Mexico takesplace. These universities enrol 52% of students pursuing undergraduateeducation and 48% of those pursuing a graduate degree.

Althoughgeographically part of North America, bordering the US states of Texas, NewMexico, California and Arizona, Mexico is truly a Latin American country – withits own unique culture and people. Beyond the stereotypical images ofsombreros, tacos and tequila lies a culture and economy that can be exploredfor years. Keeping up with Mexico’s expanding economy is a strengthening highereducation system with research opportunities expanding in all directions.Science, arts, commerce, engineering, medicine, you name they have it! With state-of-the-artinfrastructure and cutting-edge facilities, the country’s higher educationsystem was featured as one of the best worldwide, ranking 31st.

Risingto the occasion, Allied Academies offers an impressive educational platform to nurture and develop scientificresearch among budding scholars. As a conferencing giant, the amalgamation oftraditional, experienced scientists and dynamic, young scholars is the modusoperandi for the success of hundreds of international conferences. So, everyconference is designed with teeming opportunities for both the experienced aswell as the young researchers. Keynote sessions by prominent researchers arethe crowning glory of the conference, followed by plenary talks on every vitalarea in the respective field is addressed by various researchers from all overthe globe. Young Research Forum and Poster presentation competitions are avital part of every conference to encourage zestful budding researchers pursue acareer in the field.

Why Mexico?

Rightlynicknamed as "Land of Enchantment", New Mexico's scenic beauty andits rich history cannot be described better. Notable for its rich culture, Mexicois home to 35 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Of these, the best-known is probablythe ancient site of Chichén Itzá, named as one of the New Seven Wonders of theWorld in 2007. International visitors may also be attracted by the azurecoastlines of Baja California, the vast cactus and cowboy-covered deserts inthe north, and modern, highly developed urban hubs such as Mexico City, Tijuanaand Cancun. Although a heavily bureaucratic nation where it’s unlikely foreverything to run on time, the country offers a good transport infrastructure,as well as thriving arts and culture scenes, making Mexico the perfectconference destination.

Allied conferences aim to gather thescientists, principal investigators, experts and researchers working on variousfields of science and technology from both academia and industry, businessdelegates, scientists and students across the globe to provide an internationalforum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas andpractical development experiences. With new additions like Business opportunityexchange, technical expos and more, Alliedconferences are events one cannot afford to miss!

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