AlliedAcademies with an established record of successful conferencesfor over 2 decades, proudly flaunts its set of international conferences in Sweden. With over 75 universities attracting over 25,000international students for higher education, Sweden is becoming the hub fornational and international research in all the fields of Sustainability,Renewable Energy, Artic, Agricultural and Environmental Research.

About Sweden:

Withits rich history and varied landscapes, Sweden is a traveler'sparadise. If you love the outdoors, it's certainly hard to beat. The air andwater are crystal clean, and there are thousands of acres of unspoiled forestsand majestic lakes to explore, not to mention vast archipelagos along itscoasts. The roads and public transport are excellent, the citizens areinvariably friendly and helpful, and in recent years Swedish cuisine hasundergone what can only be described as a revolution. Throw in a mind-bogglinghistory, from notorious Viking invaders to Royal dynasties and imperialintrigue, and one thing is certain: you'll never be bored. Sweden's touristattractions range from opulent palaces and ancient towns to vast Arcticlandscapes and the famed Ice Hotel. There are so many things to do that you'llwant to allow plenty of time to enjoy all its outdoor adventures and historictreasures.

Research in Sweden:

Swedenis a country with primary research focus on the Sustainability, RenewableEnergy, Artic, Agriculturaland EnvironmentalResearch. With Institutions of higher order research like the KarolinskaInstitute that Awards the prestigious Nobel Prize, There is no tuition for PhDscholars in Sweden for both Local and International Students in order topromote research in Sweden.

Economy of Sweden:

The economy of Swedenis a developed export-oriented economy aided by timber, hydropower, and ironore. These constitute the resource base of an economy oriented toward foreigntrade. The main industries include motor vehicles, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals,industrial machines, precision equipment, chemical goods, home goods andappliances, forestry, iron, and steel. Traditionally a modern agriculturaleconomy that employed over half the domestic workforce, today Sweden furtherdevelops engineering, mine, steel, and pulp industries that are competitiveinternationally.

Sweden is a competitive and highly liberalized, openmarket economy. Most Swedish enterprises are privately owned andmarket-oriented, combined with a strong welfare state involving transferpayments involving up to three-fifths of GDP. In 2014 the percent of nationalwealth owned by the government was 24%.

Due to Sweden being a neutral country that did notactively participate in World War II, it did not have to rebuild its economicbase, banking system, and country, as did many other European countries. Swedenhas achieved a high standard of living under a mixed system of high-techcapitalism and extensive welfare benefits. Sweden has the second highest totaltax revenue behind Denmark, as a share of the country's income. As of 2012,total tax revenue was 44.2% of GDP, down from 48.3% in 2006.

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