Allied Academies conferences proudlypresent world class medical events in the beautiful country of Belgium whichis on the North Sea coast in the Benelux, situated at the crossroads of WesternEurope and is a member of the long-standing international Benelux community. Belgiumis one of the smallest and most densely populated European countries. Eventhough Belgium is a small country in size, it plays large in internationalscenes and consistently ranks among the top places to live in the world. Themulticultural makeup gives its capital Brussels an edgy vibe with an array ofglobal services and facilities on offer to ease in even the newest expat. Belgiumis a heterogeneous country straddling the border between the Romance andGermanic language families of western Europe. Belgian universities and thequality of life in Belgium attract many foreign students and researchers to theBelgian scientific institutions with its high scientific standard. Science hastraditionally been linked to education and the public sector in Belgium. Butfor some time now, industry has also been heavily involved in scientificresearch, focusing on space travel, biochemistrymedicinepharmaceuticalsand IT.

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