Allied Academies conferences havecompleted 50+ Medical andEngineering conferences in different cities of Ireland. This land isdevoted to science and Technologies. Agricultural Institutes are mainlyfocusing on scientific research in Ireland. Apart from that, TheoreticalPhysics, Cosmos Physics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, and theEnvironmental Studies, also strengthen the pillar of scientific progression.
Ireland is an islandpositioned in the Lap of North Atlantic. This piece of land is surrounded byNorth Channel by east, the Irish Sea, and St. George’s Channel. This Island isranked third largest in entire Europe. Low-lying mountains and severalnavigable rivers make this country Heaven. There are 3 world Heritage sites ispresent in this island. Boyne valley tombs is in a bend of the River Boyne,County Meath, Ireland. Skellig Michael is a twin-pinnacled crag, situated 1.6kilometers west of the Iveragh Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. And lastly,Mount Stewart which is owned by the National Trust is a 19th-century house andgarden in County Down, Northern Ireland.

When it comes to Touristattraction, Ireland has its own way to welcome the tourist gathering across theworld. The Climate of Ireland has also added an extra advantage in Tourism.Mostly visited tourist place in Ireland starts with Bunratty Castle, the Rockof Cashel, the Cliffs of Moher, Holy Cross Abbey and Blarney Castle. Ireland isfull of Historical monuments which have added an important note in the countytourism. These sites include Glendalough and Clonmacnoise, which are maintainedas national monuments in the Republic of Ireland.   The most rated touristed region, Dublin has the most popularattractions named Guinness Storehouse and Book of Kells.
Most scientific research isfunded by the government of Ireland. However,Medical research is supported by the Medical Research Council and Medico-SocialResearch Board of Ireland. The government advisory and coordinating body onscientific matters is monitoring scientific research in different aspects of Medical Sciences. Nearabout 2400 scientists, engineers and technicians per are engaged each year inscientific research and development.

Biomedical research is verypopular and funded in Ireland. With the objective of accelerating thetranslation of biomedical research into improved diagnostics, therapies anddevices for patients, Clinical Research Development Ireland (CRDI) made anot-for-profit research partnership comprising NUI Galway, Royal College ofSurgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork andUniversity College Dublin, their medical schools, associated academic hospitalsand clinical research facilities. Ireland’s most common life-threateninggenetically inherited disease cystic fibrosis (CF) is the focus area of theresearch for RCSI. Apart from that Major research interests include pulmonaryinnate immunity, airway fluid dynamics, protease/anti protease interactions inthe lung, signal transduction and gene regulation, inflammatory lung disease,the role of estrogen and the CF gender gap, microRNA profiling in CF, etc.

Some of the famous and renowneduniversities who promote medical research in Ireland are Dublin CityUniversity, Maynooth University, National University of Ireland, TrinityCollege Dublin, University College Cork, Technological University Dublin,University College Dublin and the University of Limerick.
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