AlliedAcademies organizes conferences in Russiaas it was well established in terms of Innovation, Technology and HealthcareAlliedAcademies is the Organization which is the InternationalConferences & Journals Platform, carrying 25 years of Experience in Globalassembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars to exchange the Informationswhich will be enough for the betterment of Healthcare and TechnologySectors.

Russia is theworld’s largest country, where it stretches over a vast expanse of EasternEurope and Northern Asia. It has 11 time zones and incorporating a great rangeof environments and land forms.

Russia is bounded tothe north and east by the Arctic and Pacific oceans and also the climate isextreme with forbidding winters that have several times famously saved thecountry from foreign invaders. It is a land of amazing landscapes with wonders.As Russia is so huge, so there is no surprise that this incredible country ishome to a large number of ecosystems and different species with differentlanguages.

There are somerare species of animals found majorly in this climatic condition are Snowleopards, polar bears, Northern fur seals, Asiatic black bears, and smallrabbit-like mammals called pikas. And the most famous animal for Russia isSiberian Tiger, which is the largest cat in the world.

  • Brown Bear hasbeen entitled as Russia's national animal.
  • Moscow is thecapital city of Russia.
  • The totalpopulation of Russia is estimated at 142,500,482.
  • The land borderof Russia is 20,241 kilometers, the second-longest of any country in the world.
  • There are 780species of birds have been recorded in Russia

Interesting Facts of Russia:

  • Russia is the World's largest country byarea, accounting for more than one-ninth of Earth’s terrestrial area.
  • Russia has the world’s longest railway,The entire journey is 9,200 km long.
  • Moscow is a home town for billionairesthan almost any other city. It has 73 billionaires.
  • Russians are the world’s fourth-biggestdrinkers, that's why one out of five male deaths in Russia are alcohol-related.
  • Russia has more time zones than anyother country in the world. 
  • Russia’s Lake Baikal is the deepest inthe world and contains about 20% of the world’s unfrozen freshwater.
  • Russia is home to Oymyakon, the coldestrecorded temperature of -67.8 °C.
  • Russia has one of the deadliest lakes inthe world, being radioactive that standing beside it for an hour would almostcertainly kill you.
  • The world’s first satellite has beenlaunched by the Soviet Union in 1957.
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